Sending little Brother to School

I cannot believe that we are going to be registering my baby for kindergarten. My boys are ten, eight, and five and for the last 10 years of my life, I’ve had a baby on my hip. I was changing diapers. I was up all hours of the night, Mama's they know. It's all of the things, and to think that here we are, registering my baby for kindergarten. Time truly does go by so fast. The saying is true, The days are long but the years are short!

I remember when my oldest two were little, they are just over two years apart. When I found out I was pregnant with my middle son, my oldest was 15 months old. I just remember thinking oh my goodness I don’t know how I’m gonna do this. I have a baby and I’m having a baby. Those years after having two babies, two years apart, were so hard it was up all night, and diapers and feedings and spit up everywhere, Naps and playdates and cleaning and never sleeping. All the things that come from having littles. I often wonder how we mamas make it through those younger years with younger babies. It is hard, but then, all of a sudden we blink and were registering our last baby for school, and in a blink of an eye I’m going to be entering this season. With tears in my eyes, I am writing this.

We will have all three of our babies in school I am so excited for this new season but I’m also really sad. It’s funny when you’ve been doing something for 10 years you never think about it ending! When Josh and I got married our family started very quickly, it wasn't a month after our wedding when we found out we were pregnant with our first baby.

I thought that I would always be changing bums and waking up in the middle of the night nursing, and then I blinked and all of our babies are in school. I know the mamas before me will say, “then you blink and they’re all leaving home". that will also be sad! As for right now, I’m so excited for this season and sad! I’m so excited for him as he gets to go to school like his big brothers, but my mama's heart hurts a little bit to know that all three of my babies will be in school.

I'd love to hear how the big seasons of your life affected you!! Tell me on the Insta!!!


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