6 Months!

Six Months, September 2022 was probably the hardest season of my life. My sweet precious grandma was in a terrible accident. My grandma raised me for a lot of my younger years. I remember being a young girl and she'd curl my hair and put me in the biggest dress we could find, she'd hand me a hairbrush and I would sing Shania Twain like I was auditioning for American Idol... I cannot sing save my life sing, but to grandma, I could do no wrong. I was her first granddaughter that lived close, so we were inseparable, She is my very best friend, and I am her soulmate. That's her words, not mine.

September 8th of 2022. My sweet grandma dear was in a terrible car accident. She was the passenger in a deadly vehicle accident where her very best friend, her neighbor, and lifelong friend, passed away at the scene of the accident.

They hit a semi-truck on the interstate in my hometown at 75mph. My grandma was thrown from the vehicle. EMTs and the police got to the scene of the accident, they assumed that probably everybody that was in the accident and passed away. Multiple eyewitness reports said there was no way that anyone could have survived this accident. When they hit a semi it sent them spiraling down the interstate, where hit a light pull that sent the car up in the air.

That morning she had called me and we chatted for about 10 minutes when her friend walked in. She said "honey, let me call you when we get back" that whole day I waited for her call and just assumed she took a nap, and that she'd call later. I'll never forget when I saw my Dads number pop up on my phone. My heart sank. He told me about the accident and, that because of how mangled she was they weren't quite sure of the damage yet. We later found out, she had a fractured back, and neck, her right shoulder was broken and her left collar bone was broken. Her ribs were cracked in multiple places and she need surgery right away. She spent 3 weeks in the hospital and 2 weeks in rehabilitation.

Almost losing my best friend made me sit back and think not to take every moment for granted that morning when she called me at the accident was reported 15 minutes later. After 15 minutes of hearing her precious voice I almost never heard it again. She is still with us today at home living on our own and doing amazing. She's a Miracle, Im so thankful!


Sending little Brother to School


Anniversary Session in Jackson Hole