Our Story!

I know, I know, I don’t share too many personal things on my blog but I thought hey, I want you to know who I am. I want to be your friend, and I thought what better way to create this friendship than to share a little bit of our story!

Josh and I are celebrating our 11th wedding anniversary this month and 11 years is such a long time, it feels so short but it has been such an incredible 11 years. I thought I’m going to share our story! I was 17 years old when I met Josh he was living over in Jackson and I was back home. We both were born and raised about 90 miles from Jackson, so we grew up coming to the area he moved here when he was 19 and he would come home on the weekends and see his friends.. and have his mom do his laundry, but don't tell anyone!! One day he came into the café where I worked with my best friend.

Josh would come in every weekend with all of his friends, and one of his friends wanted to get to know my very best friend that worked at the restaurant with me. So I connected our friends, and as they were texting and chatting, Josh secretly asked for my number from my best friend at the time. He later texted me and asked if I wanted to go out with him the next weekend, and that week he went back to Jackson but we had talked the entire week and I was like who am I? I’m like totally smitten by this boy!

He came down the following weekend and we went out, he took me to the craziest place I'd ever been to. It was a bayou where we ate crawfish for the very first time, it was a chilly fall evening and he gets in his trunk and pulls out this golf jacket thing. I have no idea what exactly it was lol. but at that moment when he dropped it over my shoulders, I knew I was sold. My heart was won over. We dated for three years before I moved to Jackson where Josh finally proposed to me on Easter Sunday of 2011 in our tiny apartment on Broadway.

We took a year to plan our wedding. We wanted it to be fun, small, and close to family so we had our wedding over in Victor, Idaho. After we got married, we started our family pretty quickly. Our oldest son was born just a year after we got married, and then two years later we had our second son, and three years later we had our third little boy! Living in Jackson Hole, raising a crew of wild Wyoming boys, and that’s just our story


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